Territory, heritage and the Voladores of Tamaletom, San Luis Potosí, México.
Ceremony-ritual. Teenek ethnicity. patrimonialization. tourism. UNESCO.Abstract
The Tamaletom community has stood out for its Voladores ritual, which was inscribed on the Representative List Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. However, this and other heritage recognition processes have focused on individually highlighting the practice, overlooking the symbiotic relationship that exists between territorial configurations and the community´s symbolic-cultural construction. Therefore, this work aims to highlight the differences in conceptions of territory and heritage from both institutional and community perspectives. Through a qualitative methodology approach, semi-structured interviews were applied to the local population, encoded and analyzed using the R open source software. Consequently, it was possible to identify that the community is grounded in a symbolic appropriation of the territory, which has enabled the development and continuity of K'alap, a symbolic-cultural system that allows the reproduction of their culture.
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