Hydrosocial territories and tourism megaprojects. The experience of Yucatan, Mexico





Hydrosocial territory. governmentality. tourism megaproject. cultural industry. water.


This article focuses on the conceptualization of hydrosocial territories in relation to the insertion of a tourism megaproject in Yucatan, Mexico. A qualitative methodological strategy was used for its analysis, applied to a case study covering three villages of the peninsula: Yalcobá, X'tut and Sisbichén, currently affected by the construction of the "Xibalbá" tourism megaproject. The objective is to identify the rationalities that conceive, define and problematize the water territory, from the logics of the state-entrepreneur, and to reveal its insertion to the territory through specific mechanisms. It concludes that the Xibalbá megaproject is a mechanism of power, characterized by logics that conceive water as an economic resource from the cultural industry, which inserts political rationalities through physical, social, symbolic and cultural particularities of the site accompanied by the following mechanisms: Legislation, discourse, public policies and technology.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Ríos Cabello, Autonomous University of Yucatán, UADY, Mexico

PhD - UADY, México

Blanca Esther Paredes Guerrero, Autonomous University of Yucatán, UADY, Mexico

Researcher at UADY


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How to Cite

Ríos Cabello, M., & Paredes Guerrero, B. E. (2024). Hydrosocial territories and tourism megaprojects. The experience of Yucatan, Mexico. PatryTer, 7(14), 01–17. https://doi.org/10.26512/patryter.v7i14.48078


