The urban commons from a geographical perspective




Urban communities. neoliberalism. urban geography. socio-spatial activism.


The aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion on the "urban commons" in Geography, seeking to provide elements that allow thinking about the "common" as a concept of Urban Geography. The methodology used was the survey and bibliographical analysis. In the first part, it was sought to briefly present the main approaches to the common. Then, in the following parts, the aim was to present the idea of the urban commons, making use of important theoretical contributions, but also building its own notion based on ideas and concepts already discussed at other times, reflecting its relevance as a concept of Urban Geography. In the end, it is concluded that raising the term 'common' to the level of a concept is extremely urgent, especially when considering the general tendency of contemporary socio-spatial activism, which has used practices of appropriating spaces and building communal and self-managed experiences.


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Author Biography

Otávio Santos, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, UFRPE, Brazil

Professor of the Department of History at UFRPE


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How to Cite

Santos, O. (2024). The urban commons from a geographical perspective. PatryTer, 7(14), 01–11.


