Functions and uses of green areas in earthquakes, floods and pandemics in Mexico City




Covid-19. hemerography. earthquakes. disaster management. parks and gardens. hydrometeorological events.


Mexico City faces earthquakes, floods and pandemics. Green spaces have been used during these phenomena, however, the role they play in the reduction of vulnerability is often unrecognized. The aim of this paper is to identify and describe the different uses that public green spaces in Mexico City have had facing these emergencies through a hemerographic research. The punctual uses were categorized in order to understand the different functions that green spaces have that allow favorable conditions over the mitigation of the urban social emergencies effects. The benefits that directly diminish the emergency, as well as the indirect ones that benefits on social well-being are presented and discussed. The need to incorporate these uses to disaster management plans and architectural landscape programs to reduce vulnerability is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Amaya Larrucea Garritz, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

Researcher at the Faculty of Architecture, UNAM

Eric Orlando Jiménez Rosas, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

Academic Technician of the FA, UNAM

María del Carmen Meza Aguilar, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

Researcher at the FA, UNAM


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How to Cite

Larrucea Garritz, A., Jiménez Rosas, E. O., & Meza Aguilar, M. del C. (2024). Functions and uses of green areas in earthquakes, floods and pandemics in Mexico City. PatryTer, 7(14), 01–20.


