Territorial-heritage in the conflicts surrounding resettlement policies at the Jacó community. Natal city, Brazil
heritage-territorial; removal conflict. Jacob's community.Abstract
The article addresses the topic of territorial-heritage and the conflicts that surround urban resettlement policies. It explores the case study of the Jacó community, located at the Rocas neighborhood, Natal city, Brazil, which since 2018 has been targeted by the municipal administration as a community to be resettled. Beyond changing the houses location, the resettlement affects the perception of social cohesion of daily life in the neighborhood and weakens the support and solidarity network that exists in the community. The article seeks to reflect on this process, which encompasses constitutive elements of territorial-heritage, that strongly emerge from the resettlement context. Territorial-heritage is an expression of the everyday and unique life of the periphery in its various dimensions. The data sources are academic research and fieldwork following university extension projects. As results, historicity, affectivity, memories and social bonds, as well as close relationships between housing, work, access to education, health and leisure are present in the trajectories of community mobilization, which allowed the identification of the constitution of a territorial-heritage, whose recognition and popular activation underpin each action and strategy employed to avoid ruptures with the territory.
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