Urban land and territory uses in Brasília World Heritage Site and the Jóquei Clube Housing Sector
metropolitan areas. spatial transformations. concentration. verticalization. urban expansion.Abstract
The metropolitan areas, such as Brasilia - DF, are objects of the geography study regarding the process of spatial transformations. In this process, two problems are evident: the increase in population density, and a new cycle of urban expansion that increases the value of real estate and construction capital. The objective of this work is to analyze the spatial modifications and to investigate the participation of the public and private powers and of society as space-modifying agents, considering the urban expansion to the west of the patrimony. The qualitative and exploratory research employs as procedures the bibliographical investigation, which gives support to the construction of the research, and the documental analysis in archives about legislation and governmental plans. The results show that the urbanistic project of the Setor Habitacional Jóquei Clube (SHJQ) will cause verticalization and increase the pressure on public services, and the urban concentration will lead to the reformulation of circulation and urban design.
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