Rural Dwelling Program and quality of life of its beneficiaries in Mexico (2012-2017)




Rural dwelling. social program. physical dimension. emotional dimension. social dimension.


The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the Rural Dwelling Program during its execution from 2012-2017, in beneficiary localities of the municipalities of Ixhuacán de los Reyes and Ayahualulco, Veracruz; based on three dimensions of analysis: physical, emotional and social, since for the purposes of this research, it is considered part of the construct of “Quality of life” that aims to be positively impacted through said social program. As a result, it was identified, under the dimensions in which the study was developed, how the aspects that mark the operating rules of said program are fulfilled, thus assessing whether they are adequate for it to achieve its goals; which allows to reach conclusions, recommendations and lines of study that promote the improvement of the habitat and therefore the environment of the inhabitants.


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Author Biographies

Thania Batista Estévez, Veracruzana University, UV, México.

Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidad Veracruzana.

Bertha Lilia Salazar Martínez, Veracruzana University, UV, México.

Professor of the UV.

Luis Arturo Vázquez Honorato, Veracruzana University, UV, México.

Professor at the UV


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How to Cite

Batista Estévez, T., Salazar Martínez, B. L., & Vázquez Honorato, L. A. (2022). Rural Dwelling Program and quality of life of its beneficiaries in Mexico (2012-2017). PatryTer, 5(9), 160–177.


