Turismo religioso e devoção nas caravanas do Santuário Metropolitano Sertanejo de Canindé, Brasil.
Tourism. religion. symbolic space. caravan. Sanctuary Sertanejo do CanindéAbstract
This article aims to overcome the dichotomy between the modernity of religious tourism and the tradition of penitent pilgrimage, paying special attention to the temporal structures of erection and organization of caravans. In fact, both tourism and pilgrimage share the central experience that lies in transport and circulation. In effect, the data collection sustained using informal interviews, simple observations and participants, documentary and bibliographic research. The chosen place is the Sanctuary of São Francisco das Chagas de Canindé, in the State of Ceará. Promptly, we are taken by the historical dimension of the countryside and the symbolic construction of the place of miracles and wonders; for the subjectivity and mysticism of the act of making a pilgrimage; for the debate on a new technical rationality of transport and tourist charters, and therefore new ways of absorbing religious spaces and equipment in tourism in Ceará. The imagination returns to the surface, because the pilgrimage trips encompass the existence of a transcendent reality, a predilection for the centers of irradiation and convergence of religious phenomena rooted in ancient traditions, narratives and representations.
Keywords: Shrine-Metropolitan; Symbolic Spaces. Cultural Heritage, Transport and Communications.
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