Care work and technical advisory for sustainable urban rehabilitation in the Capão stream

a didactic experience




Landscape Architecture, Professional and technical education, Female work, Riparian forests, Distance education


The article presents a technical advisory experience carried out during a design course of the Technical Program in Landscaping at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG), Santa Luzia campus, with an organized group of urban riverine dwellers. Initially, the course was contextualized, and a brief presentation of the Capão stream region, followed by a discussion of the theoretical-conceptual references that guided the experience, namely: the concepts of the Anthropocene and the Capitalocene; technical advisory and technical assistance; care and invisibilized work. Then, the working methods and didactic strategies used in the construction of the teaching-learning environment between students, social movement and teachers in the context of remote teaching due to COVID-19 are presented. The article concludes with a systematization of the data and information gathered during the experience and a critical analysis of the process and results, emphasizing the emancipatory potential of technical advisory for the socio-spatial group articulated around the recovery of the Capão stream and also for the students and the field of Landscaping itself.


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Author Biographies

Núria Manresa Camargos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Escola de Arquitetura; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFMG with a period at UNL in Santa Fé, Argentina, she was the recipient of a scholarship from the Espacio Académico Común Ampliado Latinoamericano (ESCALA). She is a specialist in Environmental and Sustainable Rehabilitation of Urban and Architectural areas from the University of Brasília. She is a master's student in Architecture and Urbanism at UFMG, focusing on space production, design, and experience. Throughout her career, she has researched topics related to space production processes, everyday landscapes, socio-spatial pedagogy, urban agriculture, agroecology, mapping, art education, childhood and youth, collective constructions, shared management, self-production, and graphic representation techniques. She worked for six years as an art educator, coordinating workshops in architecture, construction, and gardening. She was a substitute teacher at IFMG, teaching drawing courses. Currently, she is part of the technical staff of the Gerência de Licenciamento de Parcelamento do Solo e Obras em Logradouro Público (GEPSO) at the Municipality of Belo Horizonte.

Liza Maria Souza de Andrade, Universidade de Brasília; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Professor and researcher at PPG-FAU/UnB. Leader of the Research and Extension Group 'Periférico, Trabalhos Emergentes,' and vice-leader of the Research Group 'Água e Ambiente Construído.' Professor of the Specialization Course 'Reabilita' and Coordinator of the Multiprofessional Residency course CTS - Habitat, Agroecology, Ecosystem Health, and Solidarity Economy. Vice-coordinator of the Center for Politics, Science, Technology, and Society (NPCTS/CEAM/UnB), member of BrCidades Núcleo DF Metropolitano. She was the extension coordinator of FAU UnB and a member of UnB's Extension Chamber. She was a member of CBH-Paranoá and CONSAB/DF. She was a consultant for the International Technical Cooperation Project for the improvement of Urban Environmental Management in Brazil in the Survey of the State of the Art on Sustainable Cities and the Public Call for monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of the Housing Programme Minha Casa Minha Vida.

Simone Parrela Tostes, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais; Campus Santa Luzia; Laboratório Integrado de Tecnologia Social

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFMG, with a specialization in Teaching from IFMG, a Master's degree in Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Urbanism from UFMG, and a Ph.D. in Geography from UFMG. Currently undertaking a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at UnB. She is a professor at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais, Santa Luzia campus, where she also works as a researcher at LITS, the Integrated Laboratory of Social Technology. She has academic and professional experience in Architecture and Urbanism, focusing on topics related to architectural and urban theory and design, urban planning, social production of urban space, and space and subjectivity.


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How to Cite

Manresa Camargos, N., Maria Souza de Andrade, L., & Parrela Tostes, S. (2024). Care work and technical advisory for sustainable urban rehabilitation in the Capão stream: a didactic experience. Paranoá, 17, e44748.



Design and Planning

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