Architecture between plan, trick and feint

spatial hacking strategies based on Cildo Meireles’ work “Insertions in ideological circuits”




Architectural project, Hacker, Political strategy


In this article, we argue that a rational compromise by the 'plan' is just one mode of architectural action, that is, there are at least two other modes that can be considered when designing: either the covert 'trick' that decouples statement from operation; as for the 'feint' that openly declares its opposition, but that sways marginally as a way of deflecting it and winning it. Furthermore, we argue that although we are mostly trained to design by plans, contemporary urban contexts and challenges have required us to know how to act by tricks and feints – especially in the political conditions of the Global South. This article intends, therefore, to assist in the theoretical construction of these two other ways of designing. To do so, it reviews Keller Easterling's theoretical proposal on 'spatial hacking' and proposes that Cildo Meireles' work “Insertions in ideological circuits” can be considered an important political/aesthetic reference for architectural trickery and feint, as it offers lessons for a theoretical construction on the difference between the two.


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Author Biographies

Cauê Capillé, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU UFRJ) and at the Graduate Programme in Urbanism (PROURB FAU UFRJ). Architect (FAU UFRJ, 2011); PhD in Architecture (the Bartlett UCL, 2016); FAPERJ Post-Doctoral Researcher at PROURB FAU UFRJ (2017-18); Urban Studies Foundation Fellow at ENSA Paris Malaquais (2021-22); Visiting Researcher at Royal College of Art (2021-22). His research and design studios focus on the relationship between architectural design, political and urban theories and ordinary urban conditions. His works have been awarded and exhibited on different occasions, including the Ibero-American Biennial, the São Paulo International Architecture Biennial; the European Cultural Centre in Venice (parallel to the Architecture Bienale); and the RIBA President’s Awards for Research. Co-author of “Rio Metropolitano: guide for an architecture” (2013) and “Post-Compact City: Design Strategies from Brasília” (2021).

Mariana Cruz, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo

Mariana Cruz is an undergraduate student in Architecture and Urbanism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU UFRJ). Since 2019, he has participated in the research "Architecture of the transit state" in the Urbanism, Criticism and Architecture (UrCA) research group at PROURB FAU UFRJ, where he has been a PIBIC-UFRJ fellow since 2020. since 2020, at Atelier de Arquitetura e Desenho Urbano.


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How to Cite

Capillé, C., & Cruz, M. (2022). Architecture between plan, trick and feint: spatial hacking strategies based on Cildo Meireles’ work “Insertions in ideological circuits”. Paranoá, 15(33), 1–19.