Relationship between teaching functional condition and the perception of working conditions




Teacher’s labor, Functional conditions, Critical theory


This study aims to verify whether the functional condition of a group of active female teachers in the first cycle of Primary Education of Sao Paulo state’s public school system interferes in the perception they have of their working conditions. As a research procedure, it was applied a questionnaire to 37 teachers, among them three stable teachers, eight effective teachers and 26 Occupant of Activity Function, no job security. In order to analyze the data, this study was based on the Marxist concept of alienation and its theoretical developments made by the authors of the critical theory of society, especially Adorno and Marcuse. These data demonstrated that the OFA teachers tend to have higher conforming feelings, what is formalized on the opinions with lower criticality.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, A., & Santos, E. S. dos. (2017). Relationship between teaching functional condition and the perception of working conditions. Linhas Críticas, 22(48), 405–426.



Dossiê 2016 - Educação do Campo e Indígena

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