The effects of implicit and explicit techniques on the development of sensitivity to linguistic variation in Italian/FL learners




Foreign language teaching, Implicit techniques, Explicit techniques, Linguistic variation, Teaching Italian


The dichotomy between implicit and explicit teaching is widely used in the field of Applied Linguistics (GAUTHIER; BISSONNETTE; RICHARD., 2014; FREITAS, 2014; ELLIS, 2009; NORRIS; ORTEGA, 2000; DOUGHTY; WILLIAMS, 1998), however, in Brazil, it is still little explored. Therefore, this study aims to present an empirical investigation that focused on analyzing the effects of adopting implicit and explicit techniques on the development of sociolinguistic sensitivity in Italian learners. As a methodological procedure, data was collected from two groups of students – one who received implicit instruction and the other, explicit – at two different times: before and after the didactic treatment. On these occasions, students took tests in which they had to identify the linguistic variety in excerpts from authentic textual genres, offering justification for the choices. The comparison of the results in these two moments showed that the implicit group got more right, but recognized a smaller amount of sociolinguistically marked phenomena, while the explicit group got less right than the implicit group, but recognized a greater amount of linguistic phenomena associated with the variables, which allows for advancing the hypothesis that both types of instruction developed sociolinguistic competence, even though the explicit type was the one that generated the greatest impact on the ability to observe the variables.


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How to Cite

Frangiotti, G. A. . (2022). The effects of implicit and explicit techniques on the development of sensitivity to linguistic variation in Italian/FL learners. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 21(1), AG2.