The endurance of the aesthetic commitment in the historical novel

a panoramic view of the critique on the literary form announced by György Lukács




Romance histórico clássico, romance histórico contemporâneo, crítica do romance histórico


The present study proposes a reflection on the critical understanding of the contemporary historical novel in light of a tradition within this literary form. Drawing on the theoretical legacy left by György Lukács (2011) and the contemporary critical engagement with this narrative model of historical fiction (AINSA, 1991; ANDERSON, 2007; JAMESON, 2007; 2013), the aim is to validate, within the contemporary production of this narrative form, the central assumptions of an aesthetic project already present in the historical novels produced in the 19th century. Simultaneously, this proposal seeks to discuss and question a presumed rupture of the contemporary model from that which emerged with Walter Scott.


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How to Cite

Canedo, R. M. (2023). The endurance of the aesthetic commitment in the historical novel: a panoramic view of the critique on the literary form announced by György Lukács. Revista Cerrados, 32(62), 38–47.



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