Poetic forms in the threshold: fiction and criticism under the sign of negativity


  • Maria Rosa Duarte de Oliveira


Fiction. Criticism. Narration-object. Threshold. Negativity.


This study is about the poetic forms in the threshold: between the return of the poem and the advancement of the prose; criticism and fiction, or, better yet, those compositions that could be called narration-object, according to writer and critic Juan José Saer. Such forms have a double nature: the object, in its concrete opacity, and the speculation about its fictional statute, regardless of the traditional genders. Therefore, a surprising range of hybrids opens up to the contemporary narrative, hybrids that critics cannot name, assuming, under the sign of negativity, the “inapprehensible” as its most precious asset.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. R. D. de. (2012). Poetic forms in the threshold: fiction and criticism under the sign of negativity. Revista Cerrados, 21(33). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/26143