O humor como problema de pesquisa em Estudos da Tradução





This article is an overview of translation studies applied to the case of humour, divided into four parts, plus an extensive bibliography. The first part goes over humour translation as a relevant object of research and why it is worthy of more academic attention. Humour translation should not be dealt with or looked upon as a strange body within translation studies. Part two is an overview of key contributions to the field, from Spain and elsewhere, covering a considerable number of authors and theories. Part three focuses on promising areas of interest for researchers and illustrates how audiovisual translation is a good instance of dynamism within the field, connecting all this to the rich variety of formats and the importance of technology. Part four sketches the landscape of research methods and theoretical frameworks to signpost possible pitfalls involved when methodologies and theoretical frameworks are not clearly and coherently organised given the complexities of studying humour translation.


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Author Biographies

Tiago Marques Luiz, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Possui graduação em Letras Português/Inglês pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (2009), especialização em Tradução de Inglês pela Universidade Gama Filho (2011), Mestrado em Estudos da Tradução pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013) e Doutorado em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2019). Tem experiência na área de Letras e Lingüística, com ênfase em Tradução, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: estudos da tradução, revisão textual, semiótica greimasiana, tradução literária, tradução de humor, tradução numa perspectiva textual, literatura e outras artes (principalmente cinema e teatro) e literatura inglesa. É tradutor freelancer (português-inglês) e revisor de trabalhos acadêmicos (ABNT).

Juan José Martínez Sierra, Universitat de Valéncia

Juan José Martínez Sierra works as a senior lecturer in the Department of English and German Studies at the Universitat de València. In addition to a doctorate in Translation Studies (Universitat Jaume I, 2004), he holds a degree in English Language and Culture (Universitat Jaume I, 1995) and an MA in Intercultural Communication (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, 2001). He is specialized in Audiovisual Translation. To date, this activity has been generously fruitful in the form of lectures, seminars, invited talks, and papers at conferences. Besides, he has published numerous works, including five books, several book chapters, reviews, and many other pieces of research in the form of articles in prestigious scientific journals. He coordinates CiTrans, and also collaborates with the research groups TRAMA (Universitat Jaume I) and SILVA (Universitat de València).

Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terran, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terran is qualified (since 2011) as full professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He lectures and researches in translation theory and audiovisual translation, and foreign language learning through translation. He has published widely and internationally in these areas and played a leading role in several EU-funded and Spanish research projects, such as ClipFlair. He is currently working on the Trafilm.net project. He is well-known for his research in the field of humour translation ever since his PhD (1993) proposed a typology of humour translation and a theoretical model of Priorities and Restrictions based on a study of the BBC sitcom, Yes, Minister. For further details visit http://upf.academia.edu/PatrickZabalbeascoa


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How to Cite

Luiz, T. M., Martínez Sierra, J. J., & Zabalbeascoa Terran, P. (2019). O humor como problema de pesquisa em Estudos da Tradução. caleidoscópio: Literatura E tradução, 3(2), 70–86. https://doi.org/10.26512/caleidoscopio.v3i2.26627