José María Arguedas and João Guimarães Rosa face to the abysses of translation
Literary translation. Peruvian Andes. Brasilian sertão. Abysses.Abstract
Based on the writings and correspondence of two writers considered as promoters of transculturation of Latin American literature, José Maria Arguedas and João Guimarães Rosa (Rama, 1989), this text seeks to reflect on the abysses that appear in the translation of literary works between Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish in its Andean variant. Based on Julio Prieto (2010) and Sanches Baena’s (2008) notes, the question about the style of the two writers is permeated by the acute sense of orality used in their texts, and the translations tried to recover that. The careful examination of the strategies used by them to think of the translation, in addition to revealing other dimensions of their creation, calls into question certain concepts that are essential to the translator's work, such as the relation between original and copy, the fidelity and originality of the starting texts.
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