Voices without mouth mediated by technical objects in De Perto Uma Pedra





Technical objects, Technology, Sounds, Contemporary scene, Real-time composition


This article aims to investigate the use of technical objects (Simondon, 2020) present in the creation and mediation of sounds in De Perto Uma Pedra (2018), directed by João Fiadeiro. To this end, the following are analyzed: the shotgun and lavalier microphones, the P.A, the sound mixer and the multimedia projector. It is asked how these objects capture, redirect, amplify and multiply the other voices in this show. The technical issue dealt with here is related to the concepts-tools of Real Time Composition (Fiadeiro, 2018); with understandings about spatialization, scene music, sound design and sound parameters (Lignelli, 2014; 2020).


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Mayer, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil

Mestrando em Processos Composicionais para Cena pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes Cênicas (PPG-CEN) da Universidade de Brasília, Bacharel em Interpretação Teatral pelo Departamento Artes Cênicas (CEN) da Universidade de Brasília. Participante do Grupo de Pesquisa Vocalidades & Cena.

César Lignelli, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil

Associate Professor of Voice and Performance at the Performing Arts Department (CEN) and the Postgraduate Programs in Art (PPG-Arte) and Postgraduate Programs in Performing Arts (PPG-CEN) at the University of Brasília. Post-Doctorate by the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2014 - 2015). He holds a PhD in Education and Communication, FE / Universidade de Brasília (2011); Master in Art and Technology in the research line Compositional Processes for the Scene, IDA / UnB (2007); Graduated in Performing Arts at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2000). Leader of the Vocalidade & Cena Research Group (CNPq since 2003). Editor of the Journal Voz e Cena. Member of the VASTA Voice and Speech Trainers Association (since 2016). Author of the book Sons e (m) Cenas (2014 and 2019 - second edition), co-organizer of the book Práticas, Poéticas e Reverios Vocales (2019) and numerous articles published in qualified journals. Researches and guides themes involving sounds, aesthetics and pedagogies. Spoken and sung word. Glossolalias.Vocalities and education. Vocalities and movement. Vocalities and technologies. Vocalities and culture. Sound. Scene music. Scenic music. He regularly develops aesthetic productions in partnership with the theater groups Desvio, Sutil Ato, alaOca, Teatro do Concreto and Trupe dos Argonautas. Since 2017, together with Grupo Desvio, he has traveled with DeBanda through Brazil, Singapore, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Peru.


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How to Cite

Mayer, G., & Lignelli, C. (2021). Voices without mouth mediated by technical objects in De Perto Uma Pedra. Voz E Cena (Voice and Scene), 2(02), 13–33. https://doi.org/10.26512/vozcen.v2i02.39659



Thematic Dossier - Articles
