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Integrated and sustainable agroecological production for medicinal plants: a proposal based on strategic management


  • Jeferson Adriano e Silva Assunção Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Professor, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Ygor Jessé Ramos Master in Plant Biology, Laboratory technical advisor and Professor, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • João Carlos da Silva Master in Evaluation, Coordinador, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Nina Cláudia Barboza da Silva Doctor in Plant Biotechnology, Associate Professor II, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Danilo Ribeiro de Oliveira PhD in Natural Products Chemistry, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Palabras clave:

Strategic management. Swot-AHP. Agroecology. Cultivation. Medicinal plants.


A management plan based on Integrated and Sustainable Agroecological Production (Pais) technology for the cultivation of medicinal plants, through a case study. The Swot-AHP technique was adopted to evaluateproblems to agroecological cultivation, indicating stages of the implementation work, before the physical structuring of the project, integrated with a participative social action with employees of the institution who revealed the use of 64 medicinal plants, highlighting boldo, lemongrass, and lemon balm, while 174 plant species were identified in official Brazilian documents. The lack of electricity and funding delays by funders are the most significant problems, while the space for work and gardening courses are the best potential. The integration of these data has proposed the implementation of teams for fundraising and project implementation, based on a list of medicinal species to compose the future structure made with Pais social technology.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jeferson Adriano e Silva Assunção, Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Professor, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Doctoral student at the Institute of Technology in Pharmaceuticals (Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz) in the area of medicinal chemistry of natural products. Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology from the UFRJ. Bachelor in Biological Sciences from Estácio de Sá University. Teacher of an extension course related to the cultivation of medicinal plants at the Socio-environmental Responsibility Center of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (JBRJ). Science teacher at Escola Municipal Professor Edson Santos. I worked on socio-environmental research projects related to the cultivation and primary processing of medicinal plants at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).

Ygor Jessé Ramos, Master in Plant Biology, Laboratory technical advisor and Professor, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Bahia. Doctoral student and mester in Plant Biology from UERJ / Farmanguinho - FIOCRUZ in the area of medicinal plants and secondary metabolism. Seven years ago part of the Permanent Extension of projects of Earth Pharmacy - UFBA. He is currently a post graduate in Phytomedication of Innovation Management - FIOCRUZ / Farmaguinhos and collaborator researcher of the Research Group in Applied Botany, Anthropological Assessment, Environmental and Educational of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (BAAASES) Center Research Institute Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro. Teacher of the Pharmacy Course at Castelo Branco University (UCB).

João Carlos da Silva, Master in Evaluation, Coordinador, Centro de Responsabilidade Socioambiental do Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, CRS/JBRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

He holds a Master's Degree in Evaluation - Fundação CESGRANRIO (2012). Graduated in Pedagogy from the Isabel Institute / Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (1997). Born member of the teaching commission and the Socio-environmental and Knowledge Dissemination Committee of the National School of Tropical Botany (ENBT) of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ). Associate members of the Academic-Scientific Commission as a collegiate body superior to the Directorate of Scientific Research (DIPEQ) and the National School of Tropical Botany (ENBT). Member of the editorial board of the Science Journal of Education. He has experience in the area of Education, with an emphasis on Education, Work and Professionalization. Specialist in social and public management. He acts as Coordinator of the Center for Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Jardim Botânico Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro, at the helm of the Social and Environmental Projects and Program for over thirty years, where he carries out work for the professionalization of Youth and Adults in the areas of Gardening, Administrative Assistant with an emphasis on sustainability, Parataxonomist / Herborizer and Science, Culture and Education Space Monitor. He leads the Research Group on Social and Environmental Actions, Applied Botany and Educational Evaluation. Researcher-member of the research group permanent extension program Farmácia da Terra / UFBA. It focuses on research aimed at evaluating vocational education, ethnobotany in education, scientific dissemination and scientific literacy in the spectrum of formal and informal education, such as its interrelationships with the use of biodiversity to optimize the management of content in the natural sciences.

Nina Cláudia Barboza da Silva, Doctor in Plant Biotechnology, Associate Professor II, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Graduated (Bachelor and Licentiate) in Biological Sciences at UNIRIO, Master in Biological Sciences (Biophysics) at UFRJ and PhD in Plant Biotechnology at UFRJ. Post-doctorate by the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro. Training in Ayurveda by the Brazilian Association of Ayurveda and Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Training Academy (India). Associate Professor II at UFRJ working in undergraduate courses in Pharmacobotany, Applied Botany and Ethnobotany. Supervises students in the Professional Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology / UFRJ and in the Post-Graduation in Plant Biology at UERJ. Associated professor at the Jardim Botânico Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro at the Center for Social and Environmental Responsibility and a collaborating researcher at the "programa Farmácia da Terra" from UFBA. Develops research and extension projects aimed at health promotion, integrative and complementary practices, production of plants and secondary metabolites in vitro and ultra-dilution studies in plant models. Have experience in the field of Botany, working mainly on the following themes: plant tissue culture, ethnobotany, popular knowledge, medicinal plants and integrative and complementary practices in SUS

Danilo Ribeiro de Oliveira, PhD in Natural Products Chemistry, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Graduated in Industrial Pharmacy from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF - 2002), a specialist in Homeopathy from the IHB (2004), a master's degree and a PhD in Chemistry of Natural Products from the Research Center of Natural Products / Federal University of Rio de January (UFRJ - 2004 and 2009). He has experience in the field of Chemistry of Natural Products, working in research and extension mainly in the following topics: pharmacognosy, homeopathy, phytochemistry, essential oils, traditional communities, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, bioprospecting, biological activities, environmental legislation, environmental education, Local Productive Arrangements and National Policy of Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Natural Products and Food (DPNA) of the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) at UFRJ and Permanent Professor of Pharmacy Sciences Postgraduate Programs (PPGCF/FF/ UFRJ), Professional Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (CTECFAR/FF/UFRJ) and the Professional Master in Education, Management and Diffusion in Biosciences (IBqM/UFRJ). He also works as a coordinator of the Sub-chamber of Biodiversity (SBio), linked to the Technical Chamber of Ethics in Research (CTEP) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (CTEP/PR2/UFRJ).


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Cómo citar

Assunção, J. A. e S., Ramos, Y. J., da Silva, J. C., Silva, N. C. . B. da, & Oliveira, D. R. de. (2021). Integrated and sustainable agroecological production for medicinal plants: a proposal based on strategic management. Sustainability in Debate, 12(3), 51–100.

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