
  • Almir del Prette Universidade de São Paulo
  • Angela Maria Uchoa Branco Universidade de São Paulo
  • Maria Stella de A. Gil Ceneviva Universidade de São Paulo
  • Nancy V. F. Almeida Universidade de São Paulo
  • Cesar Ades Universidade de São Paulo


Prosocial interactions among preschoolers frequentlyinvolve the use of objects. Naturalistic studies are then necessary toreveal the variety of interactive patterns as well as indicate somepossible relationships between special kind of objects and behavioralcategories. The present study was devoted to: (a) classify the observedprosocial interactions exhibited by five year olds into a behavioralsystem, and (b) analyse the relationships between behavioral patternsand sex, activities and different type of objects. Besides those found inthe literature, new categories were here considered as prosocial.Object circulation was more frequent than cooperative simultaneoususage of objects. Similar patterns were observed for boys and girls,both having preferences for social exchanges with same sex partners.Important relationships were also found between prosocial behaviorsand specific objects and activities.



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How to Cite

del Prette, A., Uchoa Branco, A. M., Ceneviva, M. S. de A. G., Almeida, N. V. F., & Ades, C. (2012). PROSOCIAL INTERACTIONS MEDIATED BY OBJECTS AMONG PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(3), 245–264. Retrieved from

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