Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts., State’s punitive claim, PrescriptionAbstract
In 2015, the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), in the judgment of the TC n. 030.916/2015-7, was called upon to hold a decision on two relevant topics relating prescription: a) whether the TCU’s punitive claim is subject to prescription; and b) in case of a positive answer to the first question, which term should be applied to prescription in that case. In the judgment, three thesis were mainly argued: the first, suggesting no prescription at all; the second, arguing a deadline of five years to prescription; and the latter, standing up for a deadline of ten years. Thus, the present article aims to identify the reasoning that supported each one of the those thesis, in order to de- tail them from the dogmatic point of view, as well as identifying the reasons that made one prevail over the others. To do so, the research adopts the study of case method as long with the procedure of bibli- ographical review, seeking, at first, to shed light over the device of pre- scription from the point of view of the theory of law and then to focus thoroughly over the thesis that were argued in the case.
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