Teaching; Textual Gender, Tale.Abstract
This paper aims to study concerning about the importance of tale into the classroom. Having the understanding that tale gets together the interaction between the idea of orality and imaginary focusing an education end throughout educational events. As a narrative gender, tale is characterized for its self teaching way which this function motive ideological emotional cognitive development of a child. This paper is based on the study of Elma Jane Santos (2012), Luis Carlos Silva, Vilma Cunha (2012) and Renan Lima, Lucia Regina Rose (2012) where all they have similar themes to the research thus giving emphasis in research on narrative gender. This paper has as a methodological resource the biographic article review, in addition to the papers that have been already said, that support an overview of the use of the fable as a pedagogical tool. Based on this assumption this project applied this "tool" into the classroom and this research intended to be a report of the achieved results. Partial results of this research include the teaching of literature with a help of the tale gender can and should be considered an important subsidy teaching in the students’ introductory process, as the tales that often resort to playfulness to the development and passage of the teachings and "moral "can easily reach students in the classroom.
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