Agroecological corridor: management of agricultural landscapes and the biodiversity conservation in the territory of Carajás
Amazon, Conservation unit, Agroecosystem, Regional developmentAbstract
Lonely protected areas are not sufficient to produce enough ecosystem services to life maintenance. The agroecological corridor contributes to maintaining connectivity, reducing the degradation of protected areas and also supports the agriculture and economic alternatives. This research analyzes the feasibility of an agroecological corridor between the protected areas of Carajás and Terra do Meio, in Pará state, Brazilian Amazon. It was carried out an economic-ecological diagnosis of agroecosystems and was set up a geographic information system to delimitate the agroecological corridor and to determine the landscape features. Then, as alternative for an agroecological transition more adapted to this region, it is proposed the agriculture landscape management based on the ecological intensification of livestock and agroforestry systems with shaded cocoa in addition to the forest restoration.
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