The amerindian knowledge in the management of forest ecosystems

a brief review


  • Bruno Nery Federal University of Viçosa
  • Vicente Cretton Pereira
  • Leandro Rodrigues da Cunha Correa Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Sara Abduani Brum



agroecology, ethnology, anthropology, agroforestry systems


The capacity and knowledge developed by native peoples from the lowlands of South America in the design and establishment of productive systems with a structure and dynamics similar to natural ecosystems, is part of a fundamental strategy that allows achieving the combination of productivity and ecosystem functionality without too much pressure on natural resources. Given the context of global changes and consequent environmental degradation, the challenge of making agroecosystems ecologically more efficient arises. Indigenous knowledge can represent a key to building/managing more adaptable and resilient agroecosystems. To this end, this article seeks, through a bibliographic survey, to highlight the importance of indigenous ancestral/contemporary contribution and knowledge in the design and management of more ecological ecosystems, understood in the light of agroecological principles.


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