La construcción del signo “indigente” en el discurso de las instituciones estatales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
critical discourse analysis. qualitative methodology. program of social emergency. “homelessl”. discursive construction.Abstract
This paper forms part of a linguistic research on the role of oral discourse in the construction of relationships between the members of a social emergency program of the government of the city of Buenos Aires. The analysis revealed that there is a conflict between participating members (social workers and psychologists). The conflict is related to the value given to “homeless” as a sign. Regardless of its historic meaning, social workers assign it the value of “destitute” while psychologists regard it as “psychotic”. As from this argument, within the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis and by means of a qualitative methodology (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997), we analyzed the discursive strategies used to build the image of “homeless” people in case reports produced by these professionals. Then, the discursive strategies were interpreted in relation to the social practices that serve as their frame and support.
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