La canción vallenata como acto discursivo
‘vallenata song’. reality in the discourse. cultural conceptualizations.Abstract
This article focuses on the subjective construction of reality in the discourse genre known as ‘Vallenata song’. It starts with a description of the participants mentioned in these songs and of their role in the re-creation of some cultural conceptualizations from the Colombian Caribbean region. Some of these cultural conceptualizations are related to interpersonal love relationships, which are introduced from a masculine perspective of the Vallenata song composer. These cultural conceptualizations also revolve around particular representations of happiness, friendship, ‘parranda’ (drinking and singing party), ancestral customs, religious beliefs, and cultural and human values from this region. These cultural representations of reality displayed in the ‘Vallenata song’ are related not only to the recreation of the social world of the ‘Vallenata song’ composers but also to the Colombian Caribbean people’s wish that this reality be perceived as different.
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