La representación sociodiscursiva de la problemática habitacional en discursos legales del GCABA (período 2008-2009)
critical discourse analysis. social-discursive representation. housing problems. City of Buenos Aires.Abstract
This paper analyzes the construction of the social-discursive representation of “housing problems” in normative regulations produced by the Government of Buenos Aires City, during the period 2008-2009, concerning inhabitants in poverty situation. These discourses address the problem by: a) creating actions and establishing the context to execute them; and b) portraying both the subjects to whom these actions are being directed, and the problem itself, based on an ideology that can be examined through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This general objective has two related aspects: a) it enables critical understanding of the role of discourse in social conflicts, as it highlights the importance of linguistic methodology in achieving such aim; and b) it provides qualitative and specific linguistic data that sheds light on the elaboration of public policies.
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