The Synchronic-Diachronic Method for the Linguistic Analysis of Texts and its extensions: A methodological proposal from Latin America


  • María Laura Pardo
  • Matías Soich
  • Mariana Marchese



Critical Discourse Analysis. Synchronic-Diachronic Method for the Linguistic Analysis of Texts. Method of Converging Linguistic Approaches for CDA. Conceptual Metaphor. Linguistic evidence. Social reflection.


From the interpretativist paradigm (Guba & Lincoln 1998), using CDA in one of its Latin American currents as a theoretical framework (Resende & Ramalho 2006; García da Silva 2007; Pardo Abril 2007; Montecino Soto 2010) and applying a predominantly qualitative and inductive methodology (SUPRIMIDO PARA REVISIÓN CIEGA), three analytical perspectives are presented whose aim is: a) to study language in use, and b) to reflect on social problems on the basis of that study. These perspectives are the Synchronic-Diachronic Method for the Linguistic Analysis of Texts, developed by SUPRIMIDO PARA REVISIÓN CIEGA and expanded by SUPRIMIDO PARA REVISIÓN CIEGA through the Method of Converging Linguistic Approaches for CDA and by SUPRIMIDO PARA REVISIÓN CIEGA through the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor. On the basis of the analysis of digital comments, we illustrate how these three perspectives enable an analysis that can categorize discourses and connect the resulting categories with discursive representations, in order to make social reflections based on concrete data.


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How to Cite

Pardo, M. L., Soich, M., & Marchese, M. (2020). The Synchronic-Diachronic Method for the Linguistic Analysis of Texts and its extensions: A methodological proposal from Latin America. Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 20(2), 24–48.



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