Territorial planning and Renewed Geography, facing socio-spatial inequalities in Latin America





Territorial planning. Renewed Geography. socio-spatial inequalities. Latin America. geographical solidarity.


This article examines how Renewed Geography can improve contemporary spatial planning, emphasizing the importance of critiquing some of practices and theories. Facing growing crises resulting from selective uses of territory that exacerbate socio-spatial inequalities, it is essential for geographical science to commit to solving problems and developing methods that encompass more complex social and territorial relations. Territorial planning must include different geographical scales, taking into account lessons learned from the past—ranging from authoritarian periods to recent experiences—while also focusing on public participation to address current crises. The article highlights the importance of understanding the interactions between social and spatial organization and underscores the relevance of three types of events (homologous, complementary, and hierarchical) for more effective planning. Finally, the necessity of understanding the relationships between space and place is emphasized, along with the use of recent technical and scientific potentials for more sovereign planning in the Global South.


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Author Biography

James Humberto Zomighani Jr, Federal University for Latin American Integration, UNILA, Brazil

Professor of Geography at the UNILA


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How to Cite

Zomighani Jr, J. H. (2024). Territorial planning and Renewed Geography, facing socio-spatial inequalities in Latin America. PatryTer, 8(15), 01–27. https://doi.org/10.26512/patryter.v8i15.55746


