Change and Geography




perception. specialization. speed.


To say that one of the defining features of the current historical moment is the speed with which change is manifesting itself is tautological. In truth, the final decades of the twentieth century and the first decades of the present have been characterized by winds of change that have marked the daily tasks of human life, but also those of science in general, and within it, geography. Hence we ask ourselves: what positions has our science assumed in the face of speed, but above all with the perception that this facilitates that the world throbs in any place and vice versa? To what extent has this feature contributed greatly to the specialization of geography, ‘forgetting’ that it per se is the anchor that allows it to identify itself in the concert of sciences? This reflection is based on these questions.


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Author Biography

Delfina Trinca, University of Los Andes, Venezuela

Professor of Geography, ULA, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Trinca, D. (2023). Change and Geography. PatryTer, 6(12), 01–07.


