The emotions of place: from the affections of Baruch Spinoza to the topophilia of Yi-Fu Tuan




place. emotion. topophilia. humanistic geography.


The emergence of humanist geography renewed an unusual interest in the relationships of the inner world of the subject with the place of residence or belonging. The traditional geographical place is now seen, from a phenomenological perspective, as a lived space, of identity and meaning for the individuals who inhabit it and make it their own. Is it possible to establish a relationship between Baruch Spinoza's theory of affects and Yi-Fu Tuan's concept of topophilia? The search for an answer is the theme of this note, through a reading of Spinoza's Ethics and Tuan's Topophily, which allowed a phenomenological approach to the place from the “affective geographies”.


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Author Biography

José Rojas López, University of Los Andes, ULA, Venezuela

Professor of Geography, ULA.


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How to Cite

Rojas López, J. (2023). The emotions of place: from the affections of Baruch Spinoza to the topophilia of Yi-Fu Tuan. PatryTer, 6(12), 01–09.


