Methods, concepts and notions applied to Latin American studies, constructions of a decade (Gecipa / UnB)
Geography. construction-destructive. Mining Spatiality. long-lasting spatial situation. Gecipa.Abstract
This essay aims to analyze, through the evolution of the construction-destructive dialectic and existentialist notion, the convergence of the works carried out within the scope of the Group CNPq Cities and Heritagisation in Latin America (Gecipa/UnB). The hypothesis is that the group's research has been guided by this notion, precisely because of its totalizing character and focused on the synthesis of the capitalist nature. Promising notion of Geography, since it is based on a philosophical totality. Methodologically, the essay carries out: an introductory exposition of Gecipa, presenting thesis and dissertations concluded, indicating the dimension of the method by the said notion; presentation of the construction-destructive logic of mining, which has a spatial and ontological nature, synthesized by the Mining Spaciality, as a totalizing abstraction of being a miner; in the third moment, a dialogue is made with the notion of long-lasting spatial situation, which contributes to the understanding of the spatial condition created by the construction-destructive logic; finally, convergent research is pointed out in the direction of a necessary utopia of socio-spatial realization applied to Latin America, following a different logic: of community construction, horizontal, meaningful
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