Daily practices and memorial records in Argentina
uses in the construction of a neighborhood memory
Justaposed memories. urban spatial uses. daily territory. institutions.Abstract
This paper intents to reflect the juxtaposition of memories in spatial key starting from the research of social memory practices that were incorporated to the institutional discourse of Predio Quinta Seré, regarding the construction of a photographic file that gathers memories and images of different neighbourhood practices. The uses of the urban space of this memory place are crossed by institutional strategies with the purpose of gathering narratives of multiple actors that in relation with the neighbourhood context and the particular political struggels at a local scale, making it possible that a narrative that became a support of a memorial doing could merge. These neighbourhood memories constantly intersect with politic-institutional context. I think of these memories as belonging to a daily territory that has re-examined or not the sinister role of the last dictactorship in Argentina and that has favoured daily neighbour practices that took part in the way of constructing signification of urban imaginary, the local memory and the bonding to the place. At this point a spatial turn makes sense in the investigation of the overlaps between social practices and memorial sense, as well as in the revisión of the spatial strategies of use and marking of the property in constant modification.
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