Territorial-heritage of quilombos in Brazil
case of the Xambá Nation of Portão do Gelo- PE
Xambá Nation. territorial-heritage. Pernambuco. quilombo. territory.Abstract
Experiencing daily life, giving meaning to life, mixing sacred and profane, valuing local knowledge and practices are some of conceptualized by E. Costa how territorial heritage. Territorial- heritage is the true expression of art, religion, knowledge and deeds, which for decades have been forgotten and even silenced, but have resisted the so-called coloniality of power. In this proposal, that territorial-heritage can and should be activated and, therefore, proposes a methodology for this activation. This article is based on this theoretical framework and aims to present the strategies of activation of the territorial-heritage undertaken by the quilombola community of Portão do Gelo - Xambá Nation, located in the city of Olinda / Pernambuco, Brazil. The research results were systematized in a concept map that reflects how the community defines the concept and undertakes actions to preserve their heritage
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