Insular subjective space and tourist perception in Mexcaltitán, Nayarit, Mexico




Subjective space. cultural heritage. perception of space. Tourism. Mexico.


The island of Mexcaltitán in the state of Nayarit is a site of construction of meanings about the origins of Mexico, commonly named Cuna de la Mexicanidad. Due to its great relevance, in 1986 it received a Declaration of Historic Monuments Zone and in 2001 it was included in the list of Magical Towns, a distinction it lost in 2009; both events strengthened the tourist activity of the island. This research is approached from the tourist's perspective, with the purpose of knowing and understanding the conception, perception and meaning that this category of subjects conveys upon the island. Through this study, it is intended to observe and analyze the tourist gaze of the surrounding space, but also how he organizes it mentally, that is, how he constructs the sense of his relationship with the urban-architectural/territorial-insular space and which aspects of society influence this mental process.


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Author Biographies

Alma Gabriela González Lefft, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, UAA

Doctorate at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, UAA

Catherine Ettinger-Mc Enulty , Michoacana University of San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Mexico

Teacher-researcher at UMSNH, professor at UNAM, Mexico


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How to Cite

González Lefft, A. G., & Ettinger-Mc Enulty , C. (2020). Insular subjective space and tourist perception in Mexcaltitán, Nayarit, Mexico. PatryTer, 3(6), 81–95.


