Preservation and conservation the cemetery heritage: the General Cemetery of Camagüey, Cuba




cemetery heritage. heritage conservation. heritage preservation. Camaguey. Cuba


The Camagüey General Cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in Cuba that still continues to provide its obituaries in a total way. Its development reproduces the cultural variety of the city that originates it and together with it is conceived as a living space. In the work, parallels are established between the functions of the funeral home and the city, as well as approximations to the historical development of the site, the typological study of its constructions and its values, from which the need to preserve its cultural heritage emerges from the Camagüey General Cemetery, in particular, its built heritage as a material support of the memory, allowed to design actions for its conservation, in order to pay attention to the historical, architectural-morphotipological evolution of the site, to its particular problems, to stop the accelerated process of degradation and protect thus his legacy for the city.


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Author Biography

Adela María García, Universidad de Camaguey, Cuba

Investigadora de la Universidad de Camaguey, Cuba. Doctora por la Universidad de las Artes, La Habana Cuba. 


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How to Cite

García, A. M. (2019). Preservation and conservation the cemetery heritage: the General Cemetery of Camagüey, Cuba. PatryTer, 2(4).


