Phenomenological approach to heritagization studies: Cultural Heritage(s)




cultural heritage. goods of formation. spiritual world. patrimonial valorization. affective evaluation.


The present article approaches a new way of conceiving the concept of Cultural Heritage, based on the Phenomenology. Subsequently, it presents part of the research results defended in the doctoral dissertation that had as a case of study the city of Sabará, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Starting from the tripartite vision of man - as body, soul and spirit - culture and value are categorized as spiritual, that is, as part of the highest facet of human existence. Therefore, heritage, in order to be cultural, must be related to man at his highest stage, in order to act as a good of formation, which has a transforming and humanizing role. The entire city of Sabará was sought to identify the cultural heritages actually existing, that is to say, those that represent the affective valuation of the inhabitants. Not all heritages inscribed, that is, derived from a patrimonial valorization process, are inserted in the spiritual world of the inhabitants of the city. Because of that, we catalog three types of cultural heritage: active, invisible and excluded.


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Author Biography

Janaína Mourao Freire, Universidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade de Brasília. Professora da Universidade de Belo Horizonte


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How to Cite

Freire, J. M. (2019). Phenomenological approach to heritagization studies: Cultural Heritage(s). PatryTer, 2(4).


