The Itamaraty Palace in Brasília, Brazil: an analysis in the light of visual language syntax




Itamaraty Palace, visual language syntax, modern architecture, Brasilia


The Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is considered as one of Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer’s referential works and it is a highlight at the Ministries Esplanade in Brasília, Brazil’s Federal District. The aim of this study is to analyze the building in the light of the visual syntax tools. The analysis is based on the visual attributes and composition rules described by Professor Donis A. Dondis in her book A Primer of Visual Literacy and seeks to fulfil the lack of a document expressing the architect’s intention. The object of study is analyzed on three scales: the urban context, the composition of volumes of the ministries’ buildings complex, and the scale of the building, in this specific case the palace. The purpose is to complement recent research on the Itamaraty Palace and provide elements for new hypothesis about this object.


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Author Biography

Claudio Roberto Comas Brandão, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura

Architect and Urbanist graduated from the University of Brasília - UnB (1997) and master in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2019). Brandão has a specialization in Industrial Design from Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan, Italy (1998), and has experience in Architecture, with an emphasis on Interior Design and Furniture Design. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in architecture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in the Postgraduate Program in Architecture - PROARQ. His research is part of the project “Brazilian architecture and architects - 19th and 20th centuries”, which is part of the reserarch area “Heritage, theory and criticism of architecture”, in the research “Theory and teaching of architecture”.



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How to Cite

Brandão, C. R. C. (2021). The Itamaraty Palace in Brasília, Brazil: an analysis in the light of visual language syntax. Paranoá, 14(31).



Theory, History and Critique

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