Projeto de assentamento rural: o parcelamento e as dinâmicas ambientais no Zumbi dos Palmares ”“ Iaras/SP


  • Marina Caraffa Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - FAU, Universidade de São Paulo - USP



Design, Rural settlement, Environment


Presenting the final results of the dissertation, titled Rural Settlement Project: an environmental study built in Zumbi dos Palmares, this paper aims to continue the discussion of the settlement project as a materialization instrument of agrarian reform policy. Considering that the draft guidelines have not been delivered at all, and that the settlement studied has followed adding plots within their boundaries, the environmental condition becomes an analytical element to identify the impacts of occupation that have occurred in the last 17 years. The research on the result of the built environment in this settlement pointed out that the planning project of the lots did not consider the environmental condition of the area and any technical criteria have been used for the system settings. The consequence of this condition is a fragile and precarious built environment beyond a critical point in the household routine. The purpose of this continuity was recognizing the environmental changes that occurred during the installment steps and their relation to the project as well.


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How to Cite

Caraffa, M. (2017). Projeto de assentamento rural: o parcelamento e as dinâmicas ambientais no Zumbi dos Palmares ”“ Iaras/SP. Paranoá, 9(17).