Retrieval practice at school: a narrative review of test formats




Education, Test format, Learning


Retrieval practice, which consists of trying to remember content already seen, is considered as one of the most effective strategies to generate long-term learning. In order to promote its effective use, this narrative review focuses on suggesting guidelines for the application of different test formats, often used to practice retrieval, and pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each. As a result, the reviewed research encompassed students from kindergarten through undergraduation. Overall, retrieval practice can benefit the learning of different content, providing test formats are suitable to the learner's age, regardless of the materials used.


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Author Biographies

Anne Caroline Borba da Silva, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Jacarezinho, PR, Brazil

Specialist in Neuropsychopedagogy (Faculdade Unina - 2021). Master Student at Graduate Program in Education - Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná. Teacher at Municipal Education Center - Santo Antônio da Platina, Paraná, Brazil. E-mail:

Lisandra Tamires Mendonça, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Jacarezinho, PR, Brazil

Master in Basic Education (Graduate Program in Education) at Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (2021). Preeschol Teacher at Cooperativa Educacional Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, Brazil. E-mail:

José Cláudio de Sene Miguel, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Jacarezinho, PR, Brazil

Specialist in Teaching English to children - Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2019). Master Student at Graduate Program in Education - Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná. Teacher at the Municipal Teaching Center - Siqueira Campos, Paraná, Brazil. E-mail:

Roberta Ekuni, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Jacarezinho, PR, Brazil

PhD and Master in Science (Psychobiology) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (2017). Adjunct Professor at Graduate Program in Education at Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná. Member of research group: Laboratory of Teaching and Research in Science Education. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. B. da, Mendonça, L. T., Miguel, J. C. de S., & Ekuni, R. (2022). Retrieval practice at school: a narrative review of test formats. Linhas Críticas, 28, e43014.

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