Group of studies in the initial training of math teachers




Mathematical Education, Teacher training, Group of studies, Síndrome do Delta


The present work aims to reflect about the contributions of the study group called Síndrome do Delta (SD) to the mathematics teachers’ training. Through this study group, we seek to promote an articulation between pedagogical knowledge and teaching practice, discussing the relation between theory and practice in weekly meetings. To do this, there was an approximation with two public schools in Goiás town, Brazil, in order to offer to the SD participants an academic training closer to the real context of the school and the teaching and the learning of mathematics in high school. During the year of 2017 the work was about mathematical tasks for teaching and learning of polynomial function of the first degree. The planned mathematical tasks were carried out in schools and later were discussed with the teachers in initial training, the teachers of the schools and with the coordinating teacher. They contributed to the production of articles and experience reports that were presented at scientific events. This production composes the material discussed here considering the literature studied in SD. The participation in this action contributed to the fact that the graduating students: understood the importance of the mastery of the content for the teaching of mathematics, from the interactions in classroom with high school students; perceived the complexity of the teaching and learning process by using observations in the evaluative form and in the field notepad and reflections with the study group; assuming an investigative posture, basing the pedagogical practice through the studied theory; and to socialize the experiences through the participation, with presentation of works in scientific events.


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Author Biography

Luciano Feliciano de Lima, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

Doutor em Educação Matemática ”“ Curso de Matemática ”“ Universidade Estadual de Goiás ”“ UEG.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. F. de. (2019). Group of studies in the initial training of math teachers. Linhas Críticas, 25, e23199.



Dossiê: Educação Matemática

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