Didactic assessment sequence for foreign language teaching in a hybrid learning environment: debates and possibilities





Didactic assessment sequence, Foreign languages, Hybrid learning


The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the development of strategies to adjust to the new teaching reality, be it in remote or hybrid format. In this sense, assessment has gained prominence in the discussions, since it has come to light that traditional assessment instruments frequently used in on-site classes, such as tests, are often not aligned with the new demands. Therefore, in this article it is proposed a matrix for developing didactic assessment sequences (DAS) that can be used according to the needs of each context in the learning-assessment-teaching process. To that end, a proposal of a DAS is first proposed and it is discussed how it works in light of different theories, namely learning-oriented language assessment, text genres and socio-discursive interactionism, active methodologies, digital literacy and multiliteracies. Furthermore, inferences among these theories are drawn in order to reach a learning-assessment-teaching process which is coherent and adequate to the new reality.


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How to Cite

Batista, E. G., Saito, L. M., Moraes, I. T., Franco, G. R., & Fernandes, G. M. . (2022). Didactic assessment sequence for foreign language teaching in a hybrid learning environment: debates and possibilities. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 21(1), AG1. https://doi.org/10.26512/rhla.v21i1.36339

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