The effect of critical suggestions for the redesign of pre-service teachers’ didactic materials


  • Philipe Pereira Borba de Araújo UFPB
  • Marco Antônio Margarido Costa UFCG



Collaboration, Teacher training, Teaching materials


This article aims to analyze the impact of suggestions made in a dialogic-critical collaboration context in the classroom for the re-elaboration of didactic materials produced by pre-service teachers. This paper brings to discussion the results of an intervention research carried out in an undergraduate degree in an English Bachelor of a federal university of the Northeast Region of Brazil. The analysis, supported by the concepts of mediation and collaboration under the light of the Activity Theory, showed marks of collaboration in the suggestions, allowing them to be analysed as a mediation tool in the Vygotskian perspective.


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How to Cite

Araújo, P. P. B. de, & Costa, M. A. M. . (2020). The effect of critical suggestions for the redesign of pre-service teachers’ didactic materials. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 19(2), 43–68.




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