Assessment literacy for foreign language teachers of children: theoretical and practical guidelines


  • Isadora Teixeira Moraes Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Estogildo Gledson Batista Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Assessment, Assessment Literacy, Teaching of Foreign Languages to Children, Teacher Education


Research in the area of teaching foreign languages to children has seen a steady growth (SANTOS, 2009; TONELLI; CRISTOVÃO, 2010). Concerning the role of assessment in this context, however, there are still many gaps to be filled, not only due to a lack of qualification in the teaching of young learners, but also for a lack of understanding the role of assessment as the bond between teaching and learning (SCARAMUCCI, 2006). Therefore, this research elaborates on the characteristics of assessment literacy (STIGGINS, 1991) in contexts of foreign languages (INBAR-LOURIE, 2008a; QUEVEDO-CAMARGO; SCARAMUCCI, 2018) for teachers of children. In addition to knowing about assessment and about language, this teacher must understand the levels of development of children (McKAY, 2006), since these differences shape the way the child is taught and, therefore, assessed. This distinct body of knowledge is what defines assessment literacy for foreign language teachers of young learners, our proposal of change and expansion of the previous concept. We also make suggestions of assessment activities as a way to illustrate this perspective. Being aware of the power of assessment (SHOHAMY, 2001), we hope this research contributes to the perception of assessment literacy as a tool for change in assessment culture(s) (INBAR-LOURIE, 2008b) and, as a consequence, of educational transformation.


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How to Cite

Moraes, I. T., & Batista, E. G. (2020). Assessment literacy for foreign language teachers of children: theoretical and practical guidelines. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 19(2), 15–42.




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