Mappings of the Actress-Poet-Singer in the Small singing funeral rite
Minimal Odes for Hilda Hilst - Poesia Cantada Group
Actress-Poet-Singer, Vocal Poetics, Cartographies, Voice, Poem-LetterAbstract
This article has as its main question: What are the poetic paths from the spoken voice to the sung voice of an Actress-Poet-Singer? My objective is to map possible paths for a poetics of the voice from the spoken voice to the sung voice. Within my research, I found three axes that are present in my artistic work, namely: Identification and Memory, Experience and Ritual. In this, subtle questions about the vocal poetics of the Actress-Poet-Singer, her memories, artistic reverberations based on the show Pequeno Funeral Cantante by Grupo Poesia Cantada , which provided so many reflections and which are part of my Master's research in Arts at UNESP.
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Carta para leitura disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jun. 2024.
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Carta para leitura disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jun. 2024.
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