Open this Door for Happiness to Enter
body, songs, ancestry and affections
Ancestry, Memory, Brasilities, Creative Process, SongsAbstract
This article is a technical and poetic report about the construction of a wise old woman called Coroa Santa, a figure who embodies the dimension of ancestry and works as the stage mistress in the show Rosário, with the opening and farewell functions. This writing is woven reflecting about how the paths of voice and affection gave life to her, through the crossing of two vocal approaches: one based on the artistic research of the author, through various trainings, in particular vocal corporeal mimesis, and the other based on the universe of Brazilian cultural popular manifestations, its parties, rituals and games. Reflects also about how the creation was propitiated by paths in vocal research, anchored in physical immersion, the interest in learning songs and experiences in traditional communities.
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