Voices heard by themselves, creating new worlds





Voice, Improvisation, Listening, Musicality, Relational Aesthetics


This paper focuses on two interviews granted by Stenio Mendes, musician, composer and art-pedagogue, in order to outline paths for the voice in artistic creation processes. His reflections start from a deep listening of the human being and the voice as a place of poetic subjectivity. Concepts such as empathy, the relationship between the “I” and the “we” in the artistic constitution of an individual find resonance in the concept of Communicative Musicality by Stephen Malloch, where the relationship between mother and baby is based on musical parameters. The voice in this first relationship is remembered when in a state of improvisation and experimentation and is the foundation for the development of an individual. The aesthetic and reflexive development in this context assumes for the voice the possibility of a relational creation and finds parallels in the concepts of Nicolas Borriaud's Relational Aesthetics.


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Author Biography

Elaine Barbosa dos Santos Ducroquet, Faculdade Santa Marcelina - FASM, São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Mestra em Música pela ECA - Universidade de São Paulo, título obtido com bolsa CAPES/CNPq. É professora colaboradora no curso de pós-graduação em Musicoterapia Aplicada da Faculdade Santa Marcelina - FASM com a disciplina Linguagem Musical: Improvisação.


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DUCROQUET, Elaine Barbosa dos Santos. Jogos de improvisação musical: a voz em processos de criação e experimentação. São Paulo: Programa de PósGraduação/ Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP), 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado em Música)

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MALLOCH, Stephen; TREVARTHEN, Colwyn. (Eds.). Communicative Musicality: exploring the basis of human companionship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

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How to Cite

Ducroquet, E. B. dos S. . (2022). Voices heard by themselves, creating new worlds. Voz E Cena (Voice and Scene), 3(01), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.26512/vozcen.v3i01.42331



Thematic Dossier - Articles
