Achieving efficient water management at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
University environmental management. Sustainability in Public Administration. Rational water consumption. Consumption reduction.Resumo
In 2015, the water crisis affecting the São Paulo Metropolitan Region reached its peak. The Federal Government published an Ordinance establishing good practices in the management and use of water and electricity. This work aims to verify if management actions performed at the Federal University of São Paulo were effective for water consumption reduction. We assessed measures such as awareness campaigns, water reuse, water pressure regulator installation, identification of leaks, irrigation and washing of floors reduction. It was analyzed secondary data of the monthly water consumption at campuses and Rectory, from 2014 to 2016. Statistical analyses were carried out comparing the water consumption between the pre and post-intervention periods, which occurred in February 2015. The results show that the intervention reduced per capita water consumption by 33% in 2015 and 35% in 2016, saving up more than 65,000 m3 of water. These management actions proved to be effective, and the academic population achieved a more efficient use of water and financial resources, becoming more sustainable.
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- 2021-05-07 (2)
- 2021-04-29 (1)
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