Environmental licensing screening in Espírito Santo state: the practice for small Hydroelectric Power Plants




Palabras clave:

Environmental Licensing, EIA, Screening, Hydroelectric


In the context of Environmental Licensing (EL), project screening is an essential process that establishes whether Environmental Impact Assessment is needed or not. This paper analyzes the EL screening of a type of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (less than 3 MW) in Espírito Santo state and compares it with other states in Brazil. The methodological process involved document analysis, good practices criteria application, and comparative analyses of the case study. The document analysis allowed us to understand how EL procedures in Espírito Santo have changed over time. The good practices criteria application allowed us to discuss how well processes aligned with outlined objectives. Finally, the comparative analysis between Espírito Santo and other Brazilian states allowed us to identify possible improvements for Espírito Santo's EL system. For example, screening could be improved by considering environmental sensitivity metrics for project classification and establishing guidelines for case-by-case analyses.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fernanda Aparecida Veronez, PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Full Professor, Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES, Brazil

Fernanda Veronez is a full professor at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (Ifes) working on teaching, research and extension projects related to environmental policy instruments, in particular, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Licensing. She has a PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) and has more than 20 years working in the environmental area. At Ifes she is the Coordinator of the Sanitary and Environmental Engineering course and she is the leader of the Impact Assessment Research group (Nupai). She has also collaborated as reviewer in academic journals and is the director of the Tropical Water Research Alliance (TWRA) at Espírito Santo section.

Maria Stella Sena Estevam , Undergraduate Student in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Researcher, Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES, Brazil

Undergraduate student in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo.

Maria Rita Raimundo e Almeida, PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal University of Itajubá, Itajubá, MG, Brazil

Environmental Engineer from the Federal University of Itajubá (2008), Master's degree in Environment and Water Resources from the Federal University of Itajubá (2010) and PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the São Carlos School of Engineering of the University of São Paulo (2013). She was a professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia and is currently a professor at the Federal University of Itajubá. She has experience in the field of Environmental Engineering, working mainly with environmental policy instruments, such as Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Licensing.


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Cómo citar

Veronez, F. A., Estevam , M. S. S., & Almeida, M. R. R. e. (2022). Environmental licensing screening in Espírito Santo state: the practice for small Hydroelectric Power Plants. Sustainability in Debate, 13(1), 151. https://doi.org/10.18472/SustDeb.v13n1.2022.40633

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