Gold rush in West Africa: ecological and health impacts in the Bougouriba River sub-basin, Burkina Faso


  • Assonsi Soma PhD in Geography, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, Joseph KI-ZERBO University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso



gold rush. Bougouriba river sub-basin. ecological crisis. Environmental health impacts


In a context where artisanal gold mining is expanding rapidly in West Africa, particularly in Burkina Faso, the debate focuses on the positive and negative impacts of this activity on the environment and human beings. This article analyses the environmental changes, the ecological crisis, and the impacts on human health caused by gold panning in the Bougouriba River catchment area in the southwest of the country. To achieve this, a methodology was adopted that combined the collection, processing, and geospatial analysis of data collected from 100 people chosen at random from the various gold panning sites. The results show that the tools and chemicals used by gold miners cause almost irreversible damage to natural resources and create a risk of disease for the miners themselves, people living in the surrounding villages, and animals. Despite the perceptible harmful effects, gold panning is seen as a ‘necessary evil’ in this basin. The study suggests that the sector needs to be better supervised to reduce the negative impact on the environment and the health of gold miners and neighbouring communities.


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Author Biography

Assonsi Soma, PhD in Geography, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, Joseph KI-ZERBO University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Dr. SOMA Assonsi is a Geographer/ Advisor in Territorial Planning and Local Development/ Lecturer/Researcher, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography at Joseph KI-ZERBO University. He has also been Deputy Director General of Territorial Development at the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Forecasting since May 2023. His field of research covers land use planning, urban planning, territorial vulnerability analysis, natural and technological risk management and territorial resilience, Geographic Information Systems, engineering and territorial marketing. Dr. SOMA is the author of some thirty scientific articles, published or in progress, on a number of themes, including the fragility of territories linked to security, humanitarian and health crises. He has also taken part in a number of national and international conferences and panels, moderating and moderating papers. In addition, Dr SOMA is a member of several scientific and local development associations, notably the Society of Knowledge in Geography of Burkina (SOSAGEB), where he holds the position of General Secretary, and the Association Action pour le Développement Local, where he holds the position of President.


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How to Cite

Soma, A. (2024). Gold rush in West Africa: ecological and health impacts in the Bougouriba River sub-basin, Burkina Faso. Sustainability in Debate, 15(3), 260–277.

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