Participatory Methodologies and the Production of Data on Artisanal Fishing in Areas with Offshore Wind Farm Projects in Ceará, Brazil



Mots-clés :

Licenciamento Ambiental, Calendário de Pesca Participativo, Mapeamento Participativo, Energia Renovável, Cartografia Social


Offshore wind farms (OWF) are an essential emerging energy source. In Brazil, environmental licensing of OWFs requires an identification map of multiple preexisting uses, targeting potentially conflicting activities, such as fishing and navigation routes. The objective of the work was to evaluate the application of participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, aiming at analyzing potential impacts of OWFs in marine territories of the state of Ceará, with a focus on artisanal fishing. A participatory map and fishing calendar were produced in Colônia Z18, Amontada, Ceará. Data collection took place through four participatory workshops with 45 participants. The data were digitized in a GIS environment and later validated with the community. The results show complete overlap between an OWF and the local fishing activity. Thus, participatory methodologies can help in the acquisition of fishery data and the assessment of the multiple uses of marine territories.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Thomaz Willian de Figueiredo Xavier, PhD in Geography, Researcher, Geography Department, Federal University of Ceará, CE, Brazil

Doctor in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. He is part of the Geoprocessing and Social Cartography Laboratory (Labocart) of the UFC Geography Department as a Researcher. He participates in research in the areas of Cartography, Geoprocessing, Mapping and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Participatory Mapping, and Social and Environmental Policies.

Adryane Gorayeb, PhD in Geography, Professor, Geography Department, Federal University of Ceará, CE, Brazil

Doctor in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP-Rio Claro, Brazil. She coordinates the Geoprocessing and Social Cartography Laboratory (Labocart) of the UFC Geography Department. In 2016, she completed a Post-Doctorate in Geography from Texas A&M University/USA on Renewable Energy and currently leads the Wind Energy Observatory.

Christian Brannstrom, PhD in Geography, Professor, Geography Department, Texas A&M University, USA

Doctor in Geography from the University of Wisconsin, Madison USA. He is currently a Professor at Texas A&M University and Visiting Professor of the Graduate Studies in Geography (grade 6 / CAPES) at UFC. He has experience in the field of Geography, with an emphasis on Energy Geography and Historical Geography.


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Comment citer

Xavier, T. W. de F. ., Gorayeb, A. ., & Brannstrom, C. (2022). Participatory Methodologies and the Production of Data on Artisanal Fishing in Areas with Offshore Wind Farm Projects in Ceará, Brazil. Sustainability in Debate, 13(1), 181.